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Operations Manager - Technical Services

Permanent - Full Time
Civic Centre
Local Government

Who we Are

Alice Springs Town Council is an organisation shaping the future of this iconic central Australian town. We offer our 200+ team members across our three sites, opportunities for professional growth, competitive benefits, and the chance to contribute to a vibrant and culturally rich community. Our vision of a brighter future, a prosperous and cohesive community.

We aspire to be modern, inclusive and innovative, bridging divides and forging new paths. We want to bring our community together, to celebrate this unique place of gathering where the world meets the oldest living culture on Earth.

Our Values 

Leadership – our culture, values and accountability are present throughout the organisation

Collaboration – we work in partnership and are better together

Trust – nothing is more important than the trust between the community and ourselves

Respect – we respect people and genuinely care

Authenticity – what we do rings true and we do what we say

Inclusion – we value all people to create a more equal world

Commitment – we consistently strive towards our mission

Determination – we endeavour to continuously improve

Job Description

The Opportunity 

The Oper­a­tions Man­ag­er role is respon­si­ble for the deliv­ery of Council’s cap­i­tal works and main­te­nance plans. You will be a project man­age­ment super­star with a proven track record of success.

Your responsibilities will include serving as the second-in-command of the Technical Services Directorate, providing leadership in the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of Council infrastructure. You will oversee the delivery of the Capital Works program and Municipal Plans, manage projects from inception to completion, and develop and implement Facility Management Plans. Additionally, you will coordinate asset planning and facilities management, as well as formulate and execute annual business plans. Building strong relationships with elected members, government bodies, community groups, and other stakeholders will be essential. You will also support the strategic development of the Regional Waste Management Facility (RWMF).

Please find position Description here 

Desired Skills and Experience

What we would like you to bring to the team

  • High level knowledge of Infrastructure, Asset Management, Workplace Health and Safety and Engineering preferably applicable to the local government context.
  • Demonstrated experience in a senior role (5+ years).
  • Advanced organisational and planning skills, with the ability to manage, monitor and report on resources and budgets to effectively deliver results.
  • An organisation development focus and an ability to review systems and work practices to engender an excellence in customer service and service delivery.
  • An inclusive leader, who is visible and a high achiever who takes a mature and dedicated approach to staff leadership.
  • Tertiary qualifications in a relevant discipline of Engineering, Architecture, Project Management or a relevant Trade Qualification.
  • Australian resident or equivalent or holding a Visa allowing ongoing employment in Australia.

Our Benefits

Attractive annual salary of $160,000 - $180,000

In addition to a competitive salary, Council offers the following benefits:

  • Six weeks annu­al leave
  • 15 days per­son­al leave
  • Paid Domes­tic and Fam­i­ly Vio­lence leave
  • Cultural/​ceremonial leave
  • Train­ing and devel­op­ment opportunities
  • Flex­i­ble work­ing arrangements
  • Up to 11.5% super­an­nu­a­tion (increas­ing to 12% on 1 July 2025)
  • Relo­ca­tion assis­tance for eli­gi­ble positions
  • In-house health and well­be­ing program
  • Employ­ee Assis­tance Program
  • Free admission to the Alice Springs Aquat­ic Leisure Cen­tre

For more information about this role, please contact Joel Andrew - Director Technical Services, at or 0455 089 208

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